The TitanCast

Welcome to the SEGA Mega Hype Machine!!

June 10, 2019 The Saturn Junkyard Season 1 Episode 22

'Tis the season for gaming hype and the TitanCrew is drunk as a skunk on the Sega hype juice! Join Simon, Nuno, Sam, and Brian as they unpack a mountain of killer retro/Sega/Saturn announcements and developments all in a single podcast.

In this episode, the crew delves into everything from new HD rereleases (Virtua Racing's western release, Grandia I & II), fan translations (Saturn Grandia, GunGriffon???), brand new games (Space Channel 5 VR, Shenmue III, JoshProd's upcoming 3D racer: Arcade Racing Legend), and hardware updates (Genesis/Mega Drive Mini, Polymega, and Sinden light guns!).

Join us and get immersed in the Sega mega hype machine! It's what Segata Sanshiro would have wanted.