The TitanCast
Greetings, Junkies — Welcome to the TitanCast! Need some classic Sega goodness in your life? Join us as our international hosts (including Brian, Nuno, Camron, Simon and Sam) and guests chat about everything from in-depth retrospectives on random video games, underrated oddities, memories, and other random stuff in our endless quest to discover new ways to enjoy video games, old and new. In all, we’re really just here for the vibes and deep dives. Saddle up, and may Segata Sanshiro guide you in your gaming journey! For more Sega and Saturn love, check us out the Saturn Junkyard blog (, YouTube channel, Twitter (@TheSaturnJunkyard), Twitch, and join the community via our Facebook group!
The TitanCast
The E3 Afterparty Ft. Ryo-bot & the Panzer Dragoon Reeves-make
June 14, 2019
The Saturn Junkyard
Season 1
Episode 23
We're hot on the heels of E3 and this hype train ain't slowing down!
Join Nuno, Brian, and Patrick as we fail to hold back our excitement for the breathtaking Panzer Dragoon remake! We also dive deep into Shenmue III and its gameplay, its Legendary Edition, the Epic Games Store controversy, and...turtle racing? And maybe we throw in a little Phantasy Star Online 2 and Judgment while we're at it.